Week Two and Three
This week I was called away from the Second Life arena on personal vampire business, but I observed momentum growing about the ideas of teamwork and forging relationships that 'allow us to fail' and then rectify. I like the idea that as a group we can further our insights into what we're doing and bring different perspectives and contexts to what we experience together so I am very excited to find out more about the people in my group! Unfortunately as I was limited in my access to the internet and wrapped up in family matters I couldn't complete the task of meeting with others in Second Life, this was disheartening as I was excited to sink my teeth into this thing but I know there's still plenty of time to make friends and explore this place. We were given some insight into how to ensure a great team work experience, some tips included designating tasks and getting to know the others on your team. I think I'll be joining a team late but hopefully I don...