Week Two and Three

This week I was called away from the Second Life arena on personal vampire business, but I observed momentum growing about the ideas of teamwork and forging relationships that 'allow us to fail' and then rectify. I like the idea that as a group we can further our insights into what we're doing and bring different perspectives and contexts to what we experience together so I am very excited to find out more about the people in my group!

Unfortunately as I was limited in my access to the internet and wrapped up in family matters I couldn't complete the task of meeting with others in Second Life, this was disheartening as I was excited to sink my teeth into this thing but I know there's still plenty of time to make friends and explore this place.

We were given some insight into how to ensure a great team work experience, some tips included designating tasks and getting to know the others on your team. I think I'll be joining a team late but hopefully I don't scare them too much, I am a bit shocking at first glance. The thing about Second Life though is that you can really be what you want to be and because you can't actually cause harm to anyone else no one will be afraid of you...Great news for a vamp like me!

In the Ted Talk we were prescribed shared experience and common language come up as very important in building something so I think it will be important to be as genuine and as interested in everyone in my group as possible.

We were also given some great information about how to create a blog that others will want to read so I will be keeping this in mind as I continue on with the documentation of this process.

Thanks for anyone reading, I'm excited to bring meaningful and hopefully insightful content over the coming months!

Cold toesies


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